"Welcome back, everyone! It’s been some time since we last connected, and I’ve truly missed our time together. Life has led me on unexpected journeys filled with excitement, but I’ve been thinking about you all along. In the ...
Calling all-powerful women! Ladies, you don't want to miss the 4th Annual Women's Empowerment Conference. Join us for a day of inspiration, motivation, and networking with other amazing like-minded women. Let's come together ...
Ladies, join me on March 2, 2024, for my first webinar of the new year titled “Girl Get Up and Get It Done." I'm going to discuss the five steps below to help you crush procrastination and embrace accountability. •Setting …
Join me on March 2, 2024, for my first Webinar of the New Year titled "Girl Get Up and Get It Done." I'm going to discuss the five steps below to help you crush procrastination and embrace accountability. •Setting Clear …
Family, Purchase your tickets to the 4th Annual Women Empowerment Conference I have a panel of five brilliant women who will inspire, motivate, and encourage you to become the best version of yourself. Reach out to me and the...
Ladies, Purchase your Magic Mind today utilizing the information below: You get 1 month for free, when you're subscribing for three months at: www.magicmind.com/JANsistass And use my code for 75% in savings: SISTASS20- Uti...
Family, We have 154 days left before the 4th Annual Empowerment Conference scheduled for June 22, 2024, in West Orange, New Jersey. Save the date, and don't be late when purchasing your tickets to this event. Utilize the lin...
Opera - The Italian word for work is an art form that tells a story through music and singing. Unlike a musical, opera singers do not use microphones to amplify their voices, and music is played by an orchestra that …